Results for 'William Mp Klein'

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  1.  38
    Unrealistic optimism in early-phase oncology trials.Lynn A. Jansen, Paul S. Appelbaum, William Mp Klein, Neil D. Weinstein, William Cook, Jessica S. Fogel & Daniel P. Sulmasy - 2011 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 33 (1):1.
    Unrealistic optimism is a bias that leads people to believe, with respect to a specific event or hazard, that they are more likely to experience positive outcomes and/or less likely to experience negative outcomes than similar others. The phenomenon has been seen in a range of health-related contexts—including when prospective participants are presented with the risks and benefits of participating in a clinical trial. In order to test for the prevalence of unrealistic optimism among participants of early-phase oncology trials, we (...)
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    Cheating During the College Years: How do Business School Students Compare?Helen A. Klein, Nancy M. Levenburg, Marie McKendall & William Mothersell - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 72 (2):197-206.
    When it comes to cheating in higher education, business school students have often been accused of being the worst offenders; if true, this may be a contributing factor in the kinds of fraud that have plagued the business community in recent years. We examined the issue of cheating in the business school by surveying 268 students in business and other professional schools on their attitudes about, and experiences with, cheating. We found that while business school students actually cheated no more (...)
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    (1 other version)The problem of logic.William Ralph Boyce Gibson & Augusta Klein - 1908 - London,: A. and C. Black. Edited by Augusta Klein.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  4. Events as changes in the layout of affordances.Anthony Chemero, Colin Klein & William Cordeiro - unknown
    In a target article that appeared in this journal, Thomas Stoffregen 2000 questions the possibility of ecological event perception research. This paper describes an experiments performed to examine the perception of the disappearance of gap-crossing affordances, a variety of event as defined by Chemero 2000. We found that subjects reliably perceive both gap-crossing affordances and the disappearance of gap-crossing affordances. Our findings provide empirical evidence in favor of understanding events as changes in the layout of affordances, shoring up event perception (...)
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]William H. Goetzmann, William Duffy, Jennings L. Wagoner Jr, Roman A. Bernert, Charles D. Biebel, Dorothy Carrington, Richard G. Durnin, Sheldon Rothblatt, David E. Denton, Hyman Kuritz, Nubuo Shimahara, William Hare, Frederick M. Schultz, Floyd K. Wright, Wiiliam Vaughan, Harold B. Dunkel, Michael B. Mcmahon, Owen E. Pittenger, Stephan Michelson, Kal I. Gezi, Lawrence D. Klein, Yale Mandel & Samuel L. Woodward - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (1):28-44.
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    James Tully, "An Approach to Political Philosophy: Locke in Contexts". [REVIEW]William Klein - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (2):345.
  7.  38
    Nuclear Coincidence and the Korean Airline DisasterKAL Flight 007: The Hidden StoryBlack Box, KAL007 and the Superpowers"KE007, a Conspiracy of Circumstances". [REVIEW]Richard Klein, William B. Warner, Oliver Clubb, Alexander Dallin & Murray Sayle - 1986 - Diacritics 16 (1):2.
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  8. The Numerical Universe of the Gawaine-Pearl Poet: Beyond Phi. [REVIEW]William Klein - 2004 - The Medieval Review 2.
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  9. Divide et Impera! William James’s Pragmatist Tradition in the Philosophy of Science.Alexander Klein - 2008 - Philosophical Topics 36 (1):129-166.
    ABSTRACT. May scientists rely on substantive, a priori presuppositions? Quinean naturalists say "no," but Michael Friedman and others claim that such a view cannot be squared with the actual history of science. To make his case, Friedman offers Newton's universal law of gravitation and Einstein's theory of relativity as examples of admired theories that both employ presuppositions (usually of a mathematical nature), presuppositions that do not face empirical evidence directly. In fact, Friedman claims that the use of such presuppositions is (...)
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  10. Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts.David Baggett, Shawn E. Klein & William Irwin (eds.) - 2004 - Chicago: Open Court.
    Urging readers of the Harry Potter series to dig deeper than wizards, boggarts, and dementors, the authors of this unique guide collect the musings of seventeen ...
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  11. Phenomenology and the Foundations of the sciences. Third book : Ideas pertaining to a pure phenomenology and to a phenomenological Philosophy.Edmund Husserl, Ted E. Klein & William E. Pohl - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (3):364-364.
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  12. William James’s Objection to Epiphenomenalism.Alexander Klein - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):1179–1190.
    James developed an evolutionary objection to epiphenomenalism that is still discussed today. Epiphenomenalists have offered responses that do not grasp its full depth. I thus offer a new reading and assessment of James’s objection. Our life-essential, phenomenal pleasures and pains have three features that suggest that they were shaped by selection, according to James: they are natively patterned, those patterns are systematically linked with antecedent brain states, and the patterns are “universal” among humans. If epiphenomenalism were true, phenomenal patterns could (...)
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  13. The rise of empiricism: William James, Thomas hill green, and the struggle over psychology.Alexander Klein - 2007 - Dissertation, Indiana University, Bloomington
    The concept of empiricism evokes both a historical tradition and a set of philosophical theses. The theses are usually understood to have been developed by Locke, Berkeley, and Hume. But these figures did not use the term “empiricism,” and they did not see themselves as united by a shared epistemology into one school of thought. My dissertation analyzes the debate that elevated the concept of empiricism (and of an empiricist tradition) to prominence in English-language philosophy. -/- In the 1870s and (...)
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  14.  58
    Between Anarchism and Suicide: On William James's Religious Therapy.Alexander Klein - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    William James’s religious writing displays a therapeutic concern for two key social problems: an epidemic of suicide among educated Victorians who worried that a scientific worldview left no room for God; and material poverty and bleak employment prospects for others. James sought a conception of God that would therapeutically comfort his melancholic peers while also girding them to fight for better social conditions—a fight he associated with political anarchism. What is perhaps most unique about James’s approach to religion emerges (...)
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  15.  28
    William Paul Barnds.Ted Klein - 1974 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):203-203.
  16. Was James Psychologistic?Alexander Klein - 2016 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 4 (5).
    As Thomas Uebel has recently argued, some early logical positivists saw American pragmatism as a kindred form of scientific philosophy. They associated pragmatism with William James, whom they rightly saw as allied with Ernst Mach. But what apparently blocked sympathetic positivists from pursuing commonalities with American pragmatism was the concern that James advocated some form of psychologism, a view they thought could not do justice to the a priori. This paper argues that positivists were wrong to read James as (...)
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    Preliminary Commentary on William C. Frederick's Theory of Business Values.Walter H. Klein - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (1):55-62.
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  18. Russell on Acquaintance with Spatial Properties: The Significance of James.Alexander Klein - 2017 - In Sandra Lapointe & Christopher Pincock, Innovations in the History of Analytical Philosophy. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 229 – 264.
    The standard, foundationalist reading of Our Knowledge of the External World requires Russell to have a view of perceptual acquaintance that he demonstrably does not have. Russell’s actual purpose in “constructing” physical bodies out of sense-data is instead to show that psychology and physics are consistent. But how seriously engaged was Russell with actual psychology? I show that OKEW makes some non-trivial assumptions about the character of visual space, and I argue that he drew those assumptions from William James’s (...)
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  19. Science, Religion, and “The Will to Believe".Alexander Klein - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (1):72-117.
    Do the same epistemic standards govern scientific and religious belief? Or should science and religion operate in completely independent epistemic spheres? Commentators have recently been divided on William James’s answer to this question. One side depicts “The Will to Believe” as offering a separate-spheres defense of religious belief in the manner of Galileo. The other contends that “The Will to Believe” seeks to loosen the usual epistemic standards so that religious and scientific beliefs can both be justified by a (...)
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  20. On Hume on space: Green's attack, James' empirical response.Alexander Klein - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (3):pp. 415-449.
    ABSTRACT. Associationist psychologists of the late 19th-century premised their research on a fundamentally Humean picture of the mind. So the very idea of mental science was called into question when T. H. Green, a founder of British idealism, wrote an influential attack on Hume’s Treatise. I first analyze Green’s interpretation and criticism of Hume, situating his reading with respect to more recent Hume scholarship. I focus on Green’s argument that Hume cannot consistently admit real ideas of spatial relations. I then (...)
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  21. In Defense of Wishful Thinking: James, Quine, Emotions, and the Web of Belief.Alexander Klein - 2017 - In Sarin Marchetti & Maria Baghramian, Pragmatism and the European Traditions: Encounters with Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology Before the Great Divide. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 228-250.
    What is W. V. O. Quine’s relationship to classical pragmatism? Although he resists the comparison to William James in particular, commentators have seen an affinity between his “web of belief” model of theory confirmation and James’s claim that our beliefs form a “stock” that faces new experience as a corporate body. I argue that the similarity is only superficial. James thinks our web of beliefs should be responsive not just to perceptual but also to emotional experiences in some cases; (...)
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  22.  24
    The artificial and the natural: an evolving polarity - Edited by Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent and William R. Newman.Ursula Klein - 2008 - Centaurus 50 (4):330-332.
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    (1 other version)Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Phillip L. Smith, Lawrence D. Klein, Kristin Egelhof, Neela Trivedi, Mary P. Hoy, Harold J. Frantz, J. Theodore Klein, Phillip H. Steedman, William E. Roweton, Mary Jeanne Munroe, Larry Janes, Beverly Lindsay, Ellen Hay Schiller, Paul Albert Emoungu, F. Michael Perko, Susan Frissell, Stephen K. Miller, Samuel M. Vinocur, Fred D. Gilbert Jr, Elizabeth Sherman Swing & Gerald A. Postiglione - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (4):483-514.
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  24. Hatfield on American Critical Realism.Alexander Klein - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (1):154-166.
    The turn of the last century saw an explosion of philosophical realisms, both in the United States and in the United Kingdom. Gary Hatfield helpfully asks whether we can impose order on this chaotic scene by portraying these diverse actors as responding to a common philosophical problem—the so-called problem of the external world, as articulated by William Hamilton. I argue that we should not place the American realism that grows out of James’s neutral monism in this problem space. James (...)
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  25.  35
    How American Is Pragmatism?Alexander Klein - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):849-859.
    This essay examines the provenance of a single, curious term that William James often used in connection with his own pragmatism. The term is Denkmittel, an uncommon German contraction of Denk and Mittel. James’s Central European sources for this now forgotten bit of philosophical jargon provide a small illustration of a bigger historical point that too often gets obscured. Pragmatism—James’s pragmatism, at least—was both allied with and inspired by a broader sweep of scientific instrumentalism that was already flourishing in (...)
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  26.  32
    Pragmatism's Evolution: Organism and Environment in American Philosophy by Trevor Pearce (review).Alexander Klein - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (1):160-161.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Pragmatism's Evolution: Organism and Environment in American Philosophy by Trevor PearceAlexander KleinTrevor Pearce. Pragmatism's Evolution: Organism and Environment in American Philosophy. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2020. Pp. 384. Paperback, $35.00.Pragmatist pioneers were young lions in the days of Darwin. Evolutionary-biological thinking infused this philosophical movement from the start. And yet the last time a major monograph appeared on classic pragmatism and evolutionary biology—Philip Wiener's Evolution and (...)
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  27.  15
    Oxford Guide to Low Intensity Cbt Interventions.James Bennett-Levy, David Richards, Paul Farrand, Helen Christensen, Kathy Griffiths, David Kavanagh, Britt Klein, Mark A. Lau, Judy Proudfoot, Lee Ritterband, Jim White & Chris Williams (eds.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety are increasingly common. Yet there are too few specialists to offer help to everyone, and negative attitudes to psychological problems and their treatment discourage people from seeking it. As a result, many people never receive help for these problems. The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions marks a turning point in the delivery of psychological treatments for people with depression and anxiety. Until recently, the only form of psychological intervention available for patients (...)
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  28.  57
    Perceptions of control and unrealistic optimism in early-phase cancer trials.Lynn A. Jansen, Daruka Mahadevan, Paul S. Appelbaum, William M. P. Klein, Neil D. Weinstein, Motomi Mori, Catherine Degnin & Daniel P. Sulmasy - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (2):121-127.
    Purpose Recent research has found unrealistic optimism among patient-subjects in early-phase oncology trials. Our aim was to investigate the cognitive and motivational factors that evoke this bias in this context. We expected perceptions of control to be a strong correlate of unrealistic optimism. Methods A study of patient-subjects enrolled in early-phase oncology trials was conducted at two sites in the USA. Respondents completed questionnaires designed to assess unrealistic optimism and several risk attribute variables that have been found to evoke the (...)
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  29.  43
    The role of current affect, anticipated affect and spontaneous self-affirmation in decisions to receive self-threatening genetic risk information.Rebecca A. Ferrer, Jennifer M. Taber, William M. P. Klein, Peter R. Harris, Katie L. Lewis & Leslie G. Biesecker - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (8):1456-1465.
  30. 688 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Iwanska, Lucia Johnson, Mark Kadmon, Nirit K~ ilm~ n, L~ zlo.Hans Kamp, Boem-mo Kang, Paul Kay, Ali Kazmi, Edward L. Keenan, Jeff King, Ewan Klein, Angelika Kratzer, Manfred Krifka & William Ladusaw - 1995 - Linguistics and Philosophy 18:687-688.
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    IDOCS: Intelligent distributed ontology consensus system - The use of machine learning in retinal drusen phenotyping.George Thomas, Michael A. Grassi, John R. Lee, Albert O. Edwards, Michael B. Gorin, Ronald Klein, Thomas L. Casavant, Todd E. Scheetz, Edwin M. Stone & Andrew B. Williams - unknown
    PurposeTo use the power of knowledge acquisition and machine learning in the development of a collaborative computer classification system based on the features of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).MethodsA vocabulary was acquired from four AMD experts who examined 100 ophthalmoscopic images. The vocabulary was analyzed, hierarchically structured, and incorporated into a collaborative computer classification system called IDOCS. Using this system, three of the experts examined images from a second set of digital images compiled from more than 1000 patients with AMD. Images (...)
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    Metaphors, Dead and Alive.Martin Klein - 2023 - In Joshua P. Hochschild, Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind. Springer. pp. 133-152.
    This paper examins how the medieval distinction between proper and improper signification can give a plausible explanation of both metaphorical use and the usual transformations a language can undergo. I will show how Thomas Aquinas distinguishes between ordinary ambiguous terms and metaphors, whereas William of Ockham and Walter Burley do not leave room for this distinction. I will argue that Ockham’s conception of transfer of sense through subsequent institution of words is best thought of as an explanation of how (...)
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  33.  16
    The Vegetative Powers of Human Beings: Late Medieval Metaphysical Worries.Martin Klein - 2021 - In Fabrizio Baldassarri & Andreas Blank, Vegetative Powers: The Roots of Life in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Natural Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 153-175.
    In this chapter, I investigate the metaphysical assumptions that medieval thinkers considered necessary in order to integrate the vegetative powers and processes into their conception of human beings as composed of a material body and an immaterial soul. My aim is to show that vegetative powers and processes are central to the late medieval debate on faculty psychology and on the unity or plurality of substantial forms. The chapter has two parts. First, I present three different accounts of the ontological (...)
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    Francesca Bordogna. William James at the Boundaries: Philosophy, Science, and the Geography of Knowledge. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. Pp. x+382, index. $39.00. [REVIEW]Alexander Klein - 2012 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 2 (1):161-166.
  35.  54
    The Philosophy of William James. [REVIEW]Alexander Klein - 2005 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 33 (101):35-37.
  36.  24
    Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Cultural Point of View: Philosophy in the Darkness of this Time (Ashgatge Wittgensteinian Studies). By William James DeAngelis Wittgenstein and the End of Philosophy: Neither Theory nor Therapy (2 nd ed.). By Daniel D. Hutto. [REVIEW]Terrance Klein - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (2):357-358.
  37.  23
    Book Review:Physics: Principles and Applications. Second Edition Henry Margenau, William W. Watson, C. G. Montgomery. [REVIEW]Martin J. Klein - 1955 - Philosophy of Science 22 (1):68-.
  38.  55
    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Sylvester Kohut Jr, Nicholas C. Polos, Lois M. R. Louden, Cyril E. Griffith, Beverly Lindsay, Don T. Martin, M. M. Chambers, Joseph W. Newman, Harvey Neufeldt, Elizabeth Ihle, David C. Williams, James E. Christensen & J. Theodore Klein - 1978 - Educational Studies 9 (3):307-328.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Harriet B. Morrison, John H. Chilcott, Ezrl Atzmon, John T. Zepper, Milton K. Reimer, Gillian Elliott Smith, James E. Christensen, Albert E. Bender, Nancy R. King, W. Sherman Rush, Ann H. Hastings, Kenneth V. Lottich, J. Theodore Klein, Sally H. Wertheim, Bernard J. Kohlbrenner, William T. Lowe, Beverly Lindsay, Ronald E. Butchart, E. Dean Butler, Jon M. Fennell & Eleanor Kallman Roemer - 1981 - Educational Studies 11 (4):403-435.
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    Nuclear Piece: Memoires of Hamlet and the Time to ComeMemoires: For Paul de ManHamlet"Nuclear Criticism.". [REVIEW]Nicholas Royle, Jacques Derrida, Cecile Lindsay, Jonathan Culler, Eduardo Cadava, Harold Jenkins, William Shakespeare & Richard Klein - 1990 - Diacritics 20 (1):37.
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  41.  25
    Kleine Schriften.William Pruitt & Lucian Scherman - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (2):463.
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    Alchemical atoms or artisanal "building blocks"?: A response to Klein.William R. Newman - 2009 - Perspectives on Science 17 (2):pp. 212-231.
    In a recent essay review of William R. Newman, Atoms and Alchemy (2006), Ursula Klein defends her position that philosophically informed corpuscularian theories of matter contributed little to the growing knowledge of "reversible reactions" and robust chemical species in the early modern period. Newman responds here by providing further evidence that an experimental, scholastic tradition of alchemy extending well into the Middle Ages had already argued extensively for the persistence of ingredients during processes of "mixture" (e.g. chemical reactions), (...)
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  43.  26
    Social Cognition in Williams Syndrome: Relations between Performance on the Social Attribution Task and Cognitive and Behavioral Characteristics.Faye van der Fluit, Michael S. Gaffrey & Bonita P. Klein-Tasman - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  44.  27
    A Response to Klein.William C. Frederick - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (1):63-64.
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    Knowing, Naming and Negation: A Sourcebook on Tibetan Sautrantika. Translated, annotated and introduced by Anne Carolyn Klein, with oral commentary by Geshe Belden Drakba, Denma Lochö Rinbochay, and Kensur Yeshay Tupden.Paul Williams - 1994 - Buddhist Studies Review 11 (1):75-83.
    Knowing, Naming and Negation: A Sourcebook on Tibetan Sautrantika. Translated, annotated and introduced by Anne Carolyn Klein, with oral commentary by Geshe Belden Drakba, Denma Lochö Rinbochay, and Kensur Yeshay Tupden. Snow Lion, Ithaca, New York 1991. 266 pp. plus Tibetan texts, Pbk £11.96.
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    Trial by Fury: The Polio Vaccine ControversyAaron E. Klein.L. Williams - 1974 - Isis 65 (4):543-544.
  47.  18
    Facing the Planetary: Entangled Humanism and the Politics of Swarming.William E. Connolly - 2017 - Duke University Press.
    In _Facing the Planetary_ William E. Connolly expands his influential work on the politics of pluralization, capitalism, fragility, and secularism to address the complexities of climate change and to complicate notions of the Anthropocene. Focusing on planetary processes—including the ocean conveyor, glacier flows, tectonic plates, and species evolution—he combines a critical understanding of capitalism with an appreciation of how such nonhuman systems periodically change on their own. Drawing upon scientists and intellectuals such as Lynn Margulis, Michael Benton, Alfred North (...)
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    Otto Hiltbrunner Kleines Lexikon der Antike. Dritte, neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Pp. 563; 2 maps. Bern: Francke, 1961. Cloth, 14.80 Sw. fr. [REVIEW]H. Ll Hudson-Williams - 1962 - The Classical Review 12 (01):103-.
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  49. Still a New Problem for Defeasibility: A Rejoinder to Borges.John Nicholas Williams - 2016 - Logos and Episteme 7 (1):83-94.
    I objected that the defeasibility theory of knowledge prohibits you from knowing that you know that p if your knowledge that p is a posteriori. Rodrigo Borges claims that Peter Klein has already satisfactorily answered a version of my objection. He attempts to defend Klein’s reply and argues that my objection fails because a principle on which it is based is false.I will show that my objection is not a version of the old one that Klein attempts (...)
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    Die Philosophie bei "Der Hobbit": Mit Bilbo, Gandalf und Thorin auf Abenteuerlicher Suche.Eric Bronson, William Irwin & Marcel B.ülles (eds.) - 2012 - Wiley.
    Das Buch "Der kleine Hobbit" gilt als Vorläufer der wichtigsten Fantasy-Bücher aller Zeiten - den drei Bänden von "Der Herr der Ringe". Mit diesem Buch über die Abenteuer des Hobbits Bilbo Beutlin, zusammen mit 13 Zwergen und dem Zauberer Gandalf, schuf J.R.R. Tolkien schon jene Fantasiewelt, die uns alle später beim "Herrn der Ringe" nachhaltig beeindruckte. Elben, Trolle, Orks und ein Drache halten kleine und große Leser schon seit Jahren in Atem. Man stelle sich folgende Geschichte vor: Ein Mensch wohnt (...)
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